Swastika Meaning and Symbol
- Swastika Symbol is a lucky and auspicious symbol as the Sanskrit meaning of Swastika itself suggests.
- The Holy symbol is over 1000 years old and holds a sacred value to Sanatana Dharma, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
- Learn how the Nazi ideology of Hitler had abused the sacred Swastik but still managed to maintain his holy aspect.
- Researchers do believe Swastika originated before the Aryans and also with Indus Valley Civilisation.
1. When was the Swastika logo first designed? Reflection on the holy name
Swastika Symbol is pervasive around the globe as the sacred symbol of Hinduism, Buddhism Jainism, and a symbol of ancient religion. Describing its design, the Swastika logo is an equilateral cross that has four legs bent at 90 degrees on a single holy node.
What does the Swastika stand for?
The name is derived from the Sanskrit word Swastika meaning holy, lucky, or auspicious object. Similarly, Swastik and its auspiciousness continue to remain untouched in hearts as the symbol of peace and continuity. Four realms of the Swastik sign represent, Manusia, Devata, Triyanc, and Naraki ruling the triple world.
Swastika origin: the holy symbol is older than you think. According to Sanskrit scriptures researchers, it is older than 11,000 years as the traces is obtained from Western and Middle-Eastern civilizations. Coming to an amazing discovery, Ukrainian Swastika is believed to resemble the Paleolithic Age dating back to 12000 years ago.
2. Swastika Symbols throughout the different eras
Swastika symbols were found craved in the form of seals and even designed in ancient coins as the research continues from Pre-Harappan times. Traces of Swastika origin were even found in Vedas.
The research on the Swastika has aided archaeologists to trace the ancient civilization and also configure if Rig Veda was actually old to link with Aryan civilization, Pre-Harappan times, or even Indus valley civilization.
Many researchers who retraced the footprint of Swastika over years have graphically provided evidence of ancient seals, inscriptions, and imprints that possess the holy symbol.
Even in the time period, of Minoans, Crete, 3000 BCE Swastika symbols were vastly used in the case of Asian civilization.
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3. The Holy Swastika is equally significant in the Persian culture
One must be unaware that the Swastika symbol holds an auspicious value in the Zoroastrian religion of Persia. The symbol resembled the revolving sun and infinity. It basically reflects continuity in the creation.
Also, in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean the auspicious mark was the alternative symbolization of the sun.
4. How Hitler twisted his Aryan supremacy theory through the abuse of the Swastik symbol?
Why did Hitler choose Swastika?
Hitler in his autobiography book Mein Kampt talked about his Aryan supremacy theory. He had also adopted a twisted symbol similar to Swastik, Nazis, for continuing his horrendous ideology.
Hitler in his 1800s era as disclosed by researcher William Jones adopted the symbol of the Nazi Party, Nazi Germany prior to World War I and II. He abused the holy belief system of people to perform his dark activities to convert people to Aryan or else chop them.
5. Meaning of Swastik in Different Languages and religion
As the Swastik symbol is widely pervasive in different languages and religions. Let’s take a moment to praise the same. It is also used as the emblem for the Finnish year force 100 years ago in 1918.
Inspired by the meaning of Swastik, Thailand twisted the Sanskrit word Swasti to greet hellos. They called it Sawaddi to hello, welcoming prosperity, luck, security, glory, and good.
While in Jainism, Swastika is the seven Tirthankara which is the savior of life and rebirths. Also, Swastik which is the hooked version of the Christian Cross in Christianity resembled Christ’s victory over death.
Interestingly, Swastika symbols were also found on Ashanti gold weights and among adinkra symbols in West Africa.
research credit: Jagaran Josh
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